McStain V. McPain

McCain eating a sacrificial squirrel after selling his soul to Bazaal the Demon of creepy old men who fondle their nieces.
Posted By:
The Mormon Madman
Posted On:
Fri Feb 1st, 2008
I'm not really a Republican per se, but I am a Mormon and I can recognize the smell of BS even through the airwaves and after the last debate at the Reagan Library I can't believe anyone would vote for someone as "obviously" dishonest and mentally challenged as that senile psycho John McStain. Not that it matters, because this will be the Democrats year and the Republican will essentially be stumping from the deck of the Titanic. And at this point I'd like to see Romney bow out just to let that horses ass McPain bumble his way to resounding defeat to whom that redneck creep would probably call a nigger or a bitch. Perhaps the good Lord will see fit to drop him with a stroke - that's the only chance America has.
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