Universal Studios H-ween Horror

I may need super extra special Cat Power to pull this Halloween Miracle off.
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Mon Sep 28th, 2009
There's just a lot of great stuff to do on Halloween. As frequent readers are well aware, I hail from the L.A. area and while I do go back on ocassion, I don't get back as often as I'd like. Back in the late 80's , Universal Studios used to convert their famed backlot into a massive haunted attraction. Sort of a Knott's Scary Farm deal only on a bigger scale. I actually made it out one year way back when, and have very fond memories of it. Shortly thereafter, Universal stopped doing their annual Halloween shindig, but a few years ago, they brought it back and from what I hear, its bigger, badder, and scarier than ever. Simply put, its one of the premiere Halloween attractions in the world. As it happens, I'll actually be in L.A. for a weekend in late October (In addition to Universal, I'll be attending Screamfest, and I was also one of the lucky 92,000 fans to score tickets to U2's Rose Bowl show), so I'll finally get to see what all the fuss is about. Being that I'm a massive fan of Universal Studios (back in the day, I'd go twice per week--God bless the season pass) and an even bigger fan of Halloween, I simply can't wait to get in there and have the proverbial shit scared out me. What does Universal have in store for attendees? How about a handful of mazes and haunted house attractions inspired by some of the biggest names in horror (i.e. Saw, Halloween, My Bloody Valentine, Nightmare on Elm Street, Friday the 13th, etc)! They'll also be offering up their iconic tram rides through a horrifically converted back lot, and in the dark no less. In addition, be sure to take part in their new Rocky Horror Picture Show Tribute. I have several friends and colleagues in the L.A. area, and they swear by Universal Studios Halloween Horror Nights! They never miss it. SIGN ME UP! For those interested in purhcasing tickets to Halloween Horror Nights, you better act fast. Its sure to sell out. We'll be sure to report back from the ghoulish proceedings. That is, if we make it out alive! For more information, click on the link;
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