zBoneman.com -- Home Movie Reviews

Along Came Polly (2004)

Along Came Polly
Stiller carefully calculates the risk of getting his ass kicked by Brad Pitt.


Ben Stiller
Jennifer Aniston
Alec Baldwin
Philip Seymour Hoffman
Debra Messing

Released By:


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Reviewed By:

Adam Mast



Being a long time fan of Ben Stiller it's been disheartening to see his talent wasted on subpar material. After sitting through the disastrous black-comedy misfire Duplex, I was truly hoping he might redeem himself here - though the trailers didn't make it appear likely. While Along Came Polly isn't "Duplex bad" by any means, it's pretty mediocre fare - particularly when you consider the sum total of the talent on board for this forgettable but occasionally entertaining bit of date-flick fluff.

As for Stiller, he's played the hapless foil of dating mayhem better (see There's Something About Mary, Meet The Parents) and a much more compelling turn as a heartbroken control freak (The Royal Tenenbaums) still there are moments where his comic timing and physical game get him through it. As you already know before you touch your popcorn, Stiller plays an omni-phobic risk analysis expert, whose job it is to worry; to calculate the probability of being hit by a cement truck while stooping in the street to pick up a banana peel.

We also know that he is going to meet and fall for Jennifer Aniston whom we know is his polar opposite - a Bohemian free spirit whose behavior flies in the face of his buttoned-down anal retentive world. Stand back here comes the comedy. What we don't know going in is that before Polly Comes Along, Stiller has already met the girl of his careful calculations (Debra Messing) and walked her causiously down the aisle. We also learn of his error in judgment right along with him as we see Messing messing around with a French Scuba instructor played by a nearly unrecognizable Hank Azaria. Hank has always been hit and miss for me, but his bizarre turn as the naked Honeymoon-wrecker is the most entertaining part of ACP.

We also don't know that the film is loaded with familiar favorites such as Alec Baldwin and Philip Seymour Hoffman. Both of whom are called upon to deliver parts of their performance with their backside. (After Cold Mountain, Hoffman is becoming type-cast as the character with gastro-intestinal issues.) Hoffman goes balls out as Stiller's best-friend and who can blame him for going Jack Black after his agonizingly brilliant turns in Owning Mahoney and Love Liza.

With such an obvious set-up, (can Aniston's free-spirit, shine some light up the air-tight sphincter of Stiller) you'd think there'd be some pretty fun stuff. To be honest there are some good solid laughs to be had - Aniston has got a way of delivering a line, from just enough of an unpredictable angle to keep her character crisp, and Stiller makes the most of a scene where he nervously awaits Aniston to join him in bed.

However, director John Hamberg relies much too heavily on gags and gimmicks (the old blind-ferret bit is getting a little old.) There's also a surprising absence of conflict as these vastly different worlds collide. This could have been a much better film and I'd suggest you wait for video on this one - unless you've already seen all the good films out right now and you really really have to go . . . on a date.

:: zBoneman.com Reader Comments ::

Brad Beckman

Brad Beckman

I'm convinced you guys have got a stick up your butt. Hello, it's a comedy, not a documentary on ferrets, if it makes you laugh then it works. Ben Stiller is one of the very best comic actors of our time and almost everything he does is awesome. Along Came Polly was funny, comedies are supposed to be funny, not profound or well-crafted or any of that crap - seriously?

I suppose Envy is going to suck too?



Reuben Feffer is a risk analyst for a high-end insurance company and he is the best there is at it. Part of the reason he is so good at it, is that he avoids all possible risk in his own life in what many would view as obsessive compulsive. But he has found the perfect girl in Lisa one that shares his adversity to risk and seems to understand him completely. That's why after a four-year courtship they have finally tied the knot and gotten married. But Reuben's best-laid plans for life and love come crashing down when his bride dumps him on their honeymoon for a muscle-bound scuba instructor. Stunned, humiliated and in the grip of acute indigestion, Reuben plans to play it safer than ever. But life sometimes finds away to ruin even the best laid plans as a chance encounter with an adventure-craving, childhood friend named Polly shoots him into a whirlwind of extreme sports, spicy foods, ferrets, salsa dancing and living in the moment. So now Reuben finds himself dating a woman that is the exact opposite of himself and she takes chances at every turn while Reuben has done his best to avoid any uncertainty. Now Reuben must decide if this girl is right for him and whether he can change the way he views life or whether to fall back on the tried and true and go back once more to his safe life.

I don't know what Ben Stiller is thinking but he cannot seem to get past these two dimensional parts and always seems to be playing the same character. Granted he was funny in Meet the Parents and Duplex but that was more the rest of the cast then himself and it was bound to happen where he signed onto another role like this that did not have a supporting cast to save him. In fact the rest of the cast made him look like an acting genius they were that bad. Jennifer Aniston should never make movies and be should just be happy to play TV roles as she is a very bad actor that just seems to pull down any movie she is in. While Philip Seymour Hoffman was an incredible train wreck that just seemed to smash against the screen like garbage being checked at a canvas. The combination of Aniston and Hoffman was so incredibly bad it amazes me that some casting director is not being strung up as we speak. Granted the movie had a few funny moments but these were more light chuckle laughs and never really moved from not making me grimace. In fact at one point the movie had to throw in a bathroom scene ala Dumb and Dumber because I think they ran out of ideas and said hey weird bathroom noises are funny aren't they, maybe for an eleven year old they are. Ben Stiller needs to wake up and realize that other actors have helped him be funnier than he is and in the future pick a more suitable role that he can pull off and most definitely make sure he never works with Aniston and Hoffman again as long as he lives. A bust.

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