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Charlotte's Web (2007)

Charlotte's Web
"Alright Charlotte, you've never given me any reason to doubt your loyalty - but I just can't seem to put a positive spin on your latest message - 'pork belly futures?' That doesn't sound like 'Terrific' or 'Some Pig' or any of that other stuff?"
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Directed By:

Gary Winick


Julia Roberts
Dominic Scott Kay
Dakota Fanning
Kevin Anderson

Released By:

Paramount Pictures

Released In:




Reviewed By:

Adam Mast

Reviewed On:

Sat Dec 31st, 2005



Charlotte's Web is a wonderful slice of cinematic magic. A stunning mesh of state of the art special effects and live action whimsy that, for my money, is more entertaining and moving than the somewhat overrated Babe.

Based on the famed children's book by E.B. White, Charlotte's Web tells the story of a runt pig name Wilbur - a sweet natured animal who befriends a highly intellectual and incredibly articulate spider named Charlotte. The two become fast friends and spend their days in a barn populated by several colorful farm characters.

As a kid, I had a real fondness for the 70's animated adaptation. In particular, I loved the selfish rat Templeton (Voiced then by the nutty Paul Lynde). Having said that, this version is stronger and the impressive effects work is tailor-made for this story. And once again, Templeton does not disappoint, this time as a realistic looking CG creation.

The visuals are absolutely seamless. It really is hard to tell when you're looking at a CG creation and when your looking at the real thing. I suppose once the animals start talking, that's a dead giveaway. Even then however, the effects work is astonishing. What's more, the animators don't taint the proceedings by making Templeton and Charlotte overly cute. On the contrary, Templeton looks like a dirty rat and Charlotte looks like a creepy spider. Of course one of the salient themes that underscores this famed story is acquiring the ability to see someone for what they are on the inside, and rest assured, before this film's conclusion, these farm animals have a new found respect for an insect they once thought to be sinister

The vocal work is stellar. Each actor perfectly captures their animal counterpart but the stand outs are Julia Roberts' compassionate Charlotte, Steve Buscemi's self serving Templeton, and the odd but perfect teaming of Thomas Haden Church and Andre Benjimin who liven up the proceedings as Brooks and Elwyn - a couple of clueless crows in search of a corn feast.

There are human actors as well, lead by the preternaturally wise-beyond-her-years thespian Dakota Fanning, and as solid as she and the rest of the "real" cast are, this picture really belongs to the animals. It's a wonderful film for the whole family and the definitive talking animal picture of the year - all but erasing that piece of crap Barnyard from my cluttered cortex.

I was really moved by this wonderful movie and I rank it right up there with Cars and Monster House as the best family films of the year. The visuals are breathtaking, Danny Elfman's masterful score simply stunning, and the entire tone of the movie is nothing short of magical. Charlotte's Web is enchanting and thoughtful, and I absolutely adored it.

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