zBoneman.com -- Home Movie Reviews

Cry Wolf (2005)

Cry Wolf
That's just disrespectful.


Lindy Booth
Julian Morris
Jon Bon Jovi
Gary Cole

Released By:

Rogue Pictures

Released In:




Reviewed By:

Adam Mast



Cry Wolf is a silly little exercise in low budget terror that does manage a few effective moments despite truly cheese ball acting and some of the most ridiculous dialogue ever. It should also be noted that this is yet another thriller that has succumbed to the PG-13 rating. Not that I hate all PG-13 horror films. Far from it.

As Cry Wolf opens, we are witness to a malicious crime that takes the life of a young woman in the woods. Following this incident, a group of high school students - who pass the time playing a game called Cry Wolf - decide to include the entire, unsuspecting campus in their extra curricular activity. They do so by spreading rumors about the killer of the young woman online, thereby scaring the hell out of their classmates. The problem is, the gag backfires as soon someone who may or may not be the real killer or just one of the gang pushing the game a little further, begins sending out E-mails of their own - as the Wolf. In either case "The Wolf"- comes calling again and the bloodshed begins anew - in the same fashion as the murders have been defined in the online rumors.

Cry Wolf is never as smart as it thinks it is, but at least it attempts something a little more intricate than we're used to seeing in the genre. It's sort of a low rent version of The Game with a smidgen of Scream, Usual Suspects, and the little seen 80's cult gem April Fool's Day thrown in for good measure.

The characters aren't particularly well drawn. As was the case with last year's jigsaw thriller Saw, Cry Wolf is more interested in using characters as a means to continuously throw the audience off rather than allowing us to view these individuals as real people. Lindy Booth (Dawn of the Dead) does manage to have a few shining moments as a poor student posing as a rich one. She's overly melodramatic to be sure, but she's cute and watching her flirt her way through various situations was a hoot. The rest of the cast is made up of virtual unknowns with the exception of rocker Jon Bon Jovi who appears as a beloved high school teacher (yeah, right) and the usually dependable Gary Cole (Office Space), sorely misused as one of the students' fathers.

Director Jeff Waldow keeps things moving along at a quick pace, but I must admit, I spent most of the time laughing and making kick ass Bon Jovi jokes. I just couldn't help myself. When one character in the picture is shot in the chest how could I not resist blurting out; "Shot through the heart, and you're to blame, you know blood leaves a bad stain." Cry Wolf leaves itself wide open for such business - and there were plenty of them - some I believe intentional. Thankfully, the film "does" rebound a little bit in the final act when the true nature of the whodunit aspect of the movie is revealed. It isn't anything particularly fresh, but the downbeat ending is somewhat entertaining.

Cry Wolf isn't the bottom of the horror barrel (cough...The Cave...cough) but it isn't particularly memorable either. If you feel compelled to see a flick of the thriller variety, I would recommend Skeleton Key, The Exorcism of Emily Rose or Red Eye. All things considered though, this wasn't a complete waste of time. Particularly if you're a Bon Jovi fan.

:: zBoneman.com Reader Comments ::



Yeah Bon Jovi kicks @$$!

Everyone go to Eden Music Tuesday and buy their new CD "Have A Nice Day"!



PS was that picture really in the movie? Or has it been Bonemaned?



First of all you seemed to be using the film Saw in a disparaging way, which in my book disqualifies you as a critic of horror films, as Saw is perhaps the smartest and most frightening horror film at least in the last two years. Other than the a slight plausibility issue with the final twist in Saw - I thought it was amazingly intelligent and have seen it numerous times. And believe it or not Cary elwes' performance actually grows on you.

While Cry Wolf is admittedly dumb at times and certainly no Saw (I love Saw) how often do you find a teen slasher flick that requires a little bit of deductive intelligence? There were several moments in the film - particualrly toward the end where I found myself saying "alright - this thing does have a brain." And because of these rather novel twists I have to give the film more credit than yourself. I might even be so bold as to go B, and no this is not for Bon Jovi.

Sandra Park

Sandra Park

I have to agree with Static - just when I thought I had this film figured out - it would take another unexpected twist. Like he said any time a teenie bopper scare-fest can make you strain your brain you've got to take your hat off to it. I really had fun with this film and would recomment it to teens and adults alike.

Paul Dilley

Paul Dilley

Actually I think the fact that Cry Wolf was low budget and kind of a cheap thrill only adds to it's charms, I'm inclined to agree with the last respondant - I had a great time with Cry Wolf.



Static X,

Firstly, nothing disqualifes me as a critic of horror films. We just don't happen to share the same opinion on Saw. Don't get me wrong. Saw isn't a bad movie. There's a lot about it that I quite liked. Nothing, however, will sway my opinion of the acting in that picture. I've seen Saw five or six times now, and Carey Elwes hasn't grown on me in the slightest. It's just an awful performance and nearly drains the movie of it's intrigue. Thankfully, the assured direction, expert editing, sickly perverse deaths, and unexpected twist keep the movie afloat. As for Cry Wolf, I thought it had moments too. I appreicate the film features a slasher with actual motivation and I also applaud that the story is a little more complex than standard horror fare, but in the end, the movie works too hard to be tricky and is extremely self conscious as a result of it. Add to that one dimensional characters and stupid dialogue and you have a flick that is moderately enjoyable, but ultimately pretty forgettable. Saw is clearly a better film, because it features revelations that are truly startling and extremely unpredictable. That sort of cancels the weak performances out. Having said that, you could do much worse than Cry Wolf, but you could also do a hell of a lot better. State your opinion, but don't attack my love of the genre. I'm a huge fan of horror and always have been.

Static X

Static X

I didn't mean for you to blow a gasket, you're right Cry Wolf is only a fair film - but I'll go to the grave defending Saw - I've debated the Cary Elwes thing ad nauseum with dozens of people who agree with you that he practically ruins the film. but to me, it's just his take on how someone would behave under such circumstances - I think he was just trying something a little bit off beat and for me it works - but I'm in the minority I know.



Hello everyone. Just a reminder about Horror-Fest. We'll have the line up posted shortly. For those of you who doubt my love of the genre, you'll be singing a different tune when you see what we have in store for you at Horror-Fest 2005! It's gonna kick ass!

Wes Harding

Wes Harding

I loved Saw and consider it to be a modern horror classic, and though there were a number or twists I never lost track of what was going on. Cry wolf however lost me a couple of times, I did go to the bathroom once close to the end (it was either that or soil my red velvet seat) but there were a few things that I wound up not understanding about Cry Wolf. I'll be looking to watch it again once it hit's blockbuster so I don't feel like such a dope. I was hoping your review might illuminate me but you'd probably have to give away the ending to spell it out for me. In any case what I did see and understand in this film I enjoyed



OKay That movie was sooo great! Plus Randall AKA jesse Janzen Was sooooo incredibly HOTT! omg he is hott with all the peircings gosh he needs to be in more movies.

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