Dodgeball is a gag-a-second comedy that would have us believe that the old schoolyard game is a sport that enjoys the same popularity as Professional Volleyball - complete with ESPN coverage. Even though the jokes fly fast and furious in this dumb movie, most of them don't work.
Vince Vaughn is Peter La Fleur, a gym owner whose accounting skills are in worse shape than he is. The premise then, as the trailer suggests, hinges on whether Vaughn can raise $50,000. in 30 days to avoid his gym being seized by competing (and nutty) gym owner White Goodman (played by a spastic Ben Stiller). Along with a group of misfit trainees, La Fleur cooks up a scheme whereby he challenges the uber-cocky Stiller to a Dodgeball tournament, where the victor wins, you guessed it - $50,000. The only problem is, our fearless band of underachievers have never played the sport, so throughout much of the film, they undergo intensive training at the hands of a now wheelchair-bound ex-Dodgeball champion (played hilariously by a grizzled Rip Torn).
Dodgeball is not a particularly inspired comedy which is fine I suppose, since it doesn't aspire to be anything more. The problem is I didn't find the movie particularly funny. Not consistently, anyway. There certainly were moments that made me laugh, and the Dodgeball Tournaments are a riot (although the sight of someone getting pelted in the head with a ball, can only work so many times), but the uglier, more offensive moments (and there are plenty of them) did nothing for me. In fact, as I watched this picture, I was reminded of how much more I liked the films that inspired it (Old School, Revenge of the Nerds etc.) And dare I say it, I think even Baseketball made me laugh more (that picture isn't as bad as people make it out to be).
Stiller is so over-the-top (looking suspiciously like one of the Village People) and so flat out goofy, that I couldn't help but smile many of the times he was on screen. For those of you who are sick of this guy (he seems to appear in a new movie as pretty much the same character every other week), and convinced that he's losing his chops, I think you'll be surprised by him in Dodgeball. Sure, there are moments that don't work, but I admire that Stiller really goes for it here. This is his goofiest turn since Zoolander. Vaughn, by comparison, seems to be sleepwalking through this thing. He looks dreadfully bored and appears to just be going through the motions. He has a couple of funny lines, but ultimately, he just coasts through.
Dodgeball smacks of a lack of confidence, probably due to it's first time writer/director.
Rawson Marshall Thurber keeps things lively, energetic and loopy, but sadly, the laugh out loud moments are kept to a minimum, and the picture is clumsily executed, even by dopey comedy standards. The ugly, offensive stuff I spoke of earlier (be it a girl-scout on steroids or an overweight cheerleader crashing down
on top of some poor guy's face), didn't really make me laugh. The Farrelley Brothers know how to make this kind of comedy work. Take Kingpin for instance (another picture that Dodgeball resembles). It too had a fair share of gross out gags, but in that picture I was constantly laughing and I think that has something to do with the characters. The Farrelly Brothers really seem to have a fondness for the characters they create. Thurber seems to be making fun of his most of the time.
I'd also like to offer up a warning. Dodgeball pushes the PG-13 rating as far as it can go. True, there are no 'F' words (save for one during the end credits in which Ben Stiller seems to be blatantly ripping off Fat Bastard) and no nudity (although there are plenty of hot pants and bikinis), but there are plenty of other gags and jokes that are extremely adult oriented, so think about that before taking your kids. After all the fuss surrounding Kill Bill (there were a lot of people out there who felt the movie was beyond
an 'R'rating) I find it frustrating that no one is saying a damn thing about the content in this picture.
I didn't hate Dodgeball. It had it's moments, and I suppose it made me laugh more then Eurotrip, but ultimately it's pretty forgettable. Many of the jokes are either telegraphed or not all that humorous. If you want to see a really funny comedy, do yourself a favor and check out Napoleon Dynamite instead.
If you can dodge a wrench, you can dodge this movie.
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