zBoneman.com -- Home Movie Reviews

My Baby's Daddy (2004)

My Baby's Daddy
Each night it became more and more frightening to look-in on the dailies.


Eddie Griffin
Anthony Anderson
John Amos

Released In:




Reviewed By:

Kevin Jones



My Baby's Daddy is so devastatingly unfunny that to review it, or to even read a review about it is an exercise in futility that cannot be exaggerated. The best thing I can say about this disastrous sub-sitcom diaper derby is that it's running time is only 86 minutes. I'm not going to lie to you, I was not foolish enough to see this movie in theaters - I'm reviewing the DVD. Does the DVD have a lot of cool extras - you might ask? I really couldn't say.

Both of the chief stars of My Baby's Daddy - Eddie Griffin and Anthony Anderson have proven themselves as film stars that are capable of delivering the funny, but what possessed them to sign on for this diaper wiper is truly beyond me. Except for an animated opener that introduces the characters, there's not a single frame of comic originality to be found in My Baby's Daddy. Crude and crudely made, this urban-flavored riff on Three Men and a Baby defaults to tired fart jokes whenever there's a lull in the story. I use the word story very lightly here.

The story revolves around 3 friends Miachael Imperioli being the third, who ineptly attempt to manage fatherhood. To give you some idea how badly I hated this movie I didn't like Three Men and a Baby and there are 3 babies in this one. It seems the three friends have been inseparable since childhood, they all live in a rambling house with stern Uncle Virgil (John Amos - no this does not mean Good Times). Amos is not at all thrilled by the invasion of 3 smelly toddlers - and I was none to happy about having to sit through the most weak and predictable series of tired parenting gags imaginable - changing messy diapers, peeing babies . . . this is not Bebe's Kids. In fact, this film would make a good cautionary film for Planned Parenthood.

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