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Sky Captain and The World of Tomorrow (2004)

Sky Captain and The World of Tomorrow
Jolie has some fun on the set, telling everyone she's back with her old flame, and claiming that the fake eyeball inside her necklace is Billy Bob's.


Jude Law
Gwyneth Paltrow
Angelina Jolie
Giovanni Ribisi

Released By:

Paramount Pictures

Released In:




Reviewed By:

Adam Mast



Sky Captain and the World of Tomorrow would have been one of the best films of the summer had it come out on it's original release date. As it stands, it will still emerge as one of the very best movies of the year when it's released on Sept. 17th. So for those of you who may suspect that the movie was held back because Paramount lost faith in it, guess again. Clearly, the studio wanted to allow time to make this picture the best it could be and they have more than succeeded.

After attending the brilliance that was Shaun of the Dead, some colleagues of mine and I noticed a rather large line making it's way into another screening room at the Gaslamp 15 in Downtown San Diego. Personnel were passing it off as another Shaun screening, but we knew better. We decided to get in the line and see what the scoop was. While waiting, I bumped into Quint of Aint-it-cool-news fame. We talked for a few moments, when suddenly it came to my attention that the movie that was about to screen was Sky Captain and the World of Tomorrow. WHAT!!!! There was no way I was going to miss this one. I had to get in! Happily, we got into the screening room without any problems at all. The security people (God bless them) were surprisingly lax.

Now, I know Paramount and other studios don't like reviews posted this far before release date, and given that I sort of busted into this particular screening, I'm well aware that this film company might not invite me to other screenings in the future. The truth is, I was so enamored by the absolute beauty and passion on display in Sky Captain, that I'm going to take a chance and post a review anyway.

With this breathtaking piece of visual splendor, director Kerry Conran and his enormous crew of effects wizards have created a film experience that pretty much had me watching with my jaw dropped to the floor for the majority of the picture. I truly believe this will be a trend-setting film, and while it could be argued that this is yet another example of style over substance, I hold Sky Captain at a different standard. As I watched it, I never felt assaulted (the way I did during that big screen video game Van Helsing). I love this movie. I admire it's purity and innocence and marveled at it's beauty from beginning to end.

Sky Captain and the World of Tomorrow takes place in the 30's (it looks like the 30's anyway) and features Gwyneth Paltrow as feisty and independent reporter Polly Perkins. An enormous robot attack unleashed upon the city plunges Perkins into a wondrous adventure with ex-flame Joe "Sky Captain" Sullivan (an entertaining Jude Law), a cocksure plane pilot who makes a habit out of saving the day. Soon, Joe and Polly, are hot on the trail of the evil-doers responsible for the attack.

Sure, much of Sky Captain and the World of Tomorrow is extremely familiar with it's ode to old school serials (most notably Flash Gordon and Max Fleischer's Superman cartoons), and true it bears resemblances to Star Wars, Indiana Jones and, of course, The Wizard of Oz, but ultimately, it succeeds in delivering a look that we've never really seen before. It reminded me of watching Tron for the first time (I was also reminded - to some extent - of Nick Castle's entertaining Last Starfighter from 1984).

Director Kerry Conran loves the movies and it shows in nearly every frame of this gorgeous picture. In addition to the more obvious, previously mentioned influences, I could detect hints of Rocketeer, Iron Giant and countless other films, but it never felt like a rip-off.

The effects left me breathless. Not only the production design (which is stunning), but everything else. The sequences in which Joe glides his plane through the city while being chased by massive, bird-like robots are truly spectacular. They don't appear organic, but that hardly matters. Sky Captain has a unique look, and I was totally sucked into this world.

There will, no doubt, be some who criticize Sky Captain for it's cornball dialogue, and in fact, I've already read such gripes, but for me, the dialogue meshed perfectly with the spirit of the times and overall tenor of the movie.

The performances are near perfect. Paltrow plays Polly Perkins as a stubborn busy-body who's used to getting her own way. Law hits all the right notes as the adventurous Joe Sullivan. He brings a sort of suave James Bond vibe to the role, but all the while, he remains a human hero (think Indiana Jones). Angelina Jolie lives it up as the playful Captain Franky Cook (looking smashing in that eye patch). In particular, I loved her flirty moments with Joe. They're priceless. Giovanni Ribisi is also fun as Joe's scientific side-kick Dex Dearborn. And finally, through the miracle of technology, there is another interesting performance by a legendary actor whose name I refuse to reveal in this review. In fact, I'm quite irritated that other writers have given up the name (but then, I guess no one has really gone out of their way to keep it a secret - the actor's name is listed on the credit sheet over at imdb.com). When this icon appeared on screen at our showing, people applauded.

What I liked most about all of the performances were their overall feel. The attention paid to character detail is extraordinary. Not just in terms of how they dress and look, but how they speak and comport themselves (even the character names are perfect). Director Conran and his actors really immerse themselves into the time period. There was nothing contemporary about it, and this more than anything creates cinematic magic that will be admired for years to come. It really is a stunning achievement, and I hope Sky Captain is a big hit. It is odd at times and overflowing with excess, but it is beautiful excess and I found the entire experience unforgettable. I'm marking Sept.17th on my calendar right now, because I can't wait to see this flick again.

:: zBoneman.com Reader Comments ::



That movie sucked it was the worst ever!! But "It was cool I gess" Just Kidding.

That movie was Awsome and I loved every miniute of it



Hmmm, I wonder who wrote that. Does your name happen to rhyme with Shaun by chance?

Nguyen Chang

Nguyen Chang

You guys are cruel to tease us with a review of Sky Captain months before the rest of us get a chance to see it. I've been looking forward to this one all year, and I am glad to hear it's as great as you say.

Jamey Ryan

Jamey Ryan

I finally saw some footage from Sky Captain and it looks like the m,ost exciting film of the year, cant' wait

Cap'n Crunch

Cap'n Crunch

Sky Captain is going to blow people away, I too saw a screening at Comic-con and I share your enthusiasm for this marvelous, marvelous piece of film making - I really can't wait to see it again and again.



Hi Everyone,

Sky Captain opens this weekend (09/17). GO SEE IT!!!! I know nearly every fan site in the world has been singing praise for this movie (Zboneman.com included), but believe the hype. This film is absolutely drunk in the pure love of grand scale movie making, and I for one found it's lack of cynicism incredibly refreshing. I know there are quite a few people out there who feel this movie will be nothing more than another example of style over substance. True, nearly every frame of this film features digital trickery, but it doesn't play like Van Helsing or other pictures of that nature. Sky Captain plays on an entirely new level. It really is breathtaking stuff. It's a throwback adventure in the tradition of Raiders of the Lost Ark, and I was completely sucked into this magical world. Hopefully, you will be too.



Sky Captain would be worth seeing twice just to see the Art Deco. I'm gay and everything, but this is beyond gayness it's unbelievable.

Jeanine Bosworth

Jeanine Bosworth

Hoy Shit Sky Captain so rocke my world - it's the most dazzled I've been by a film since LOTR - Go see it everybody

Sky Captain

Sky Captain

Sky Captain is hands down the most impressive film of the year - except for two things The Passion and Eternal Sunshine.



Sky Captain really suffered because of it's lame dialogue, I know you mentioned that it was because it was to be matched to the period - but it still sucked. Visually Sky Captain soars - but every time anybody says something it plummets.

Susan Martinez

Susan Martinez

I disagree with Tenielle (very funny by the way) I think the dialogue perfectly suits the comic book nature of the film and I certainly feel that it is a ground breaking achievment, I wantedto turn around and go see it again



I should get this out of the way, I did like the movie as it was fun and fanciful and had great imagination and creativity. That is why I have to rip on it a little because I did like it and because it was so creative and imaginative. Because while the movie was really good and enjoyable it could have been amazingly great. I waited a day to write a review for this so I could try and figure out what it was the movie was missing and it came to me: the soundtrack, the musical score. Think of all the great sci-fi or fantasy films whether it be Star Wars or Lord of the Rings or even Raiders of the Lost Ark, they all had one thing an incredibly memorable score. This movie does not and it is a shame because it's the score that draws the audience in a lot of time, especially in movies like this. It made the movie have a washed out feel, like it was some great masterpiece that had been left in the rain, you could still see the incredible artwork but it had been lessened by the fact that there was nothing to draw you in.

That being out of the way the action and cinematography on this movie is nothing short of breath taking. Some of the aerial dog fights are just astounding and you can't but help be drawn to your seat as the action unfolds. I some times questioned the decision to go so film noir at times with the look of a painting almost as the colors were dimmed and everything appeared blurred but in retrospect it fit the movie perfectly. It is that blurred feeling that not only takes you to another time like the comics of the 1950's but it also puts the aerial scenes into a great counterbalance. The movie is fun, the story is so great and imaginative and the action is eye popping at times. This movie would have worked great as a summer blockbuster which makes me question the decision to move it to a fall release, despite my misgivings on certain aspects of the film this is definitely a movie I will purchase for my own collection.



I have to say that I disagree with Sirdizzy where the Sky Captain score is concerned. I really didn't touch on Ed Shearmur's (Reign of Fire) outstanding musical contribution in my review and I should have. It may not have an instantly hummable theme like "Raiders" or "Superman", but the score perfectly compliments the film. It's thunderous, and heroic, and fits the visually sumptuous Sky Captain to a tee. Shearmur may not be a household name like Williams, Howard, Goldsmith, Shore, Elfman or Horner, but he does a more than admirable job here.

runt boy

runt boy

movie nerds dot com. This is one of the best movies of the year. A bit slow at times but it's all good. Angelina is so sexy that I had to pleasure myself later that night, except images of billie bob kept flashing--does that make me gay. Which one do you think is sexier MR.Mast, Jolie or billie. Please say billie bob so I am not alone--oops I mean Jolie--yeah she's hot.

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