zBoneman.com -- Home Movie Reviews

Sons of Provo (2004)

Sons of Provo
A CD you actually can take with you.


Will Swenson
Kirby Heyborne
Danny Tarasevich

Released By:


Released In:




Reviewed By:

The Boneman



Sons of Provo is in some ways the most clever of the "non-Richard Dutcher" Mormon movies - but at the same time probably has the most limited appeal to the non-Mormon movie-goers (the damned) because of it's ultra inside-joke approach. Son's of Provo definitely has a funny (if not a little dated) premise to work with and also has the benefit of having the two most talented "Mormon comedy" actors - director, writer, star Will Swenson (Singles Ward) and Kirby Heyborne (The R.M.). Swenson plays the bands leader and creative and spiritual force. He intentionally comes off as complete controlling, self-righteous prick in order to demonstrate that it's wrong to be a complete, self-righteous controlling prick - regardless your religious beliefs. On a personal note - over the past several years I've crossed paths with Swenson in my capacity as someone who writes about people and things and his capacity as someone about which things are written, and I'd have to honestly confess that the character he plays in this film isn't a huge stretch for him. As is the case with most mocumentaries, very little is scripted and Swenson sells the controlling prick-bit as though he's been rehearsing for it all of his life.

Which isn't to say that I didn't find him quite amusing and at times hilarious in this film, he has the good sense to surround himself with a lot of talent and study the classics. He even includes one character that they cut away to, sort of a boy band agent type, with no apparent connection to the film itself, given the name N. Tufnel Jr. One of the few bits of esoterica that would make sense to a non-Mormon. Which brings me back to the films' chief weakness - not only are many of the jokes understandable only to Mormons, but there are a few that are understandable only to Mormons who happen to live in Provo. The part I'm talking about here is a sequence in which their embittered ex-manager (fired for uttering the word "Butt') gets back at the band by hitting them where they live. He's their nephew - and he exacts his revenge by booking another famous local Mormon act known as Moose Butter to upstage them at their own family reunion. It wasn't funny and by the time the film reaches this scene, it's lost it's way, but for maybe 500 people this was their favorite part because they're big Moose Butter fans.

I'd just like to say that Kirby Heyborne is indeed the bright and shining beacon of Mormon cinema, with his resemblance to Luke Wilson and his versatility he's the one I'm betting on coming out of this melee with a real film career (unless of course he gets a challenging calling in the ward that gets in his way). In Sons of Provo Heyborne plays the toady of the band, "the non-Anderson." When the film begins we learn that Swenson and Danny Tarasevich - Will and Danny Anderson - brothers separated by 10 months - have just parted ways with the third member of their previous band and the film begins as the brothers begin their search for a replacement.. By putting out their feelers at Firesides, road shows and talent nights, they eventually discover Heyborne in a production of Forever Plaid. (I'm not even going to bother explaining why many Mormons will find this funny). Kirby is a sweet spirit, the type who wishes missions lasted four years and is prone to tears of joy at the slightest provocation. Again, Heyborne makes this stuff hilarious. Once a trio again the band endures a nightmarish spate of belittling gigs before they eventually break out (in Provo) which is of course followed by the requisite ego-battles and in-fighting between the brothers. All of which tears the heart out of Kirby, who bears all. Even the fact that Will decided to take credit for thinking up their band name "Everclean" only moments after Kirby suggested it. In the end he finally gets his due when the warring brothers finally listen to a cassette of a song Kirby had written, a tender and well written ballad actually and the film ends as the band performs the healing song on stage for the first time.

Now that's no way to end a mockumentary and there are plenty of other gripes I could kick around, but the fact is I would rank Sons of Provo as the second funniest Mormon send-up (I think I'm the only person who liked The R.M. better than Singles Ward) and the reason SOP is so funny is the songs. First of all props to Swenson and Peter Brown who wrote them. Not only are they every bit as good as anything NSYNC or the Backstreet Boys ever wrote but most of the time the lyrics are on the money as well. They don't strike paydirt every time - but this is a film about music and much of the time music is what's going on, and if the songs hadn't been strong, this baby might have smelled as bad as "The Work and the Story." Happily there is much insight and a good eye for what to and what "not" to make fun of - and for that reason Sons of Provo gets a thumbs up from the Boneman. And, Will Swenson, I forgive you brother, 'cause that's how I roll - you were probably just having a bad five days. We're good now right?

PS The pie in the face scene was shot right across the street from my house.

:: zBoneman.com Reader Comments ::

Brian Ferguson

Brian Ferguson

I had the misfortune to see this movie in New York and I wonder if Mr. Eastman or Mr. Kodak are turning over in thier graves. Besides being a waste of "celluloid" this is an embarrassement to the word entertainment. A pie in the face? Please. It was funny ONCE. The direction was awful. If this is Will Swensons seminal work then he should stick to being a waiter. He'd have a better future except for his attitude which the Boneman so aptly points out. Having met him at a few functions, he is, as Boneman so aptly points out, a self righteous prick. As another reviewer has pointed out his failed roles, he is barely tollerible

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