zBoneman.com -- Home Movie Reviews

Super Size This, Beeeotch!!!! (2004)

Super Size This, Beeeotch!!!!
Moore power to ya' - Mr. Spurlock!


The Power of Film

Released In:


Reviewed By:

Adam Mast

It has recently been reported that McDonalds will soon be doing away with their Super Size menu. Could this McDevelopment have anything to do with Morgan Spurlock's hilrarious and informative documentary Super Size Me? Could be. If so, it's a perfect example of how powerful a movie can be. Now I can only hope everyone gets a chance to see this terrific film. We at zboneman.com will keep you posted on where and when Super Size Me can be seen. For a review of the film see 2004 Movies and check out the Boneman's take on the film entitled "Super Size This!"

:: zBoneman.com Reader Comments ::



To: people

that was a good movie to make cause mcdounlds is soo sick! i will never eat there again.I have a project on avertisment and im doing it on mcdonalds and how gross it is. im woundering if that movie is acally true did someone do that??? well that was good for people to know about mcdonalds -Tammi

laura willems

laura willems

Je suis Belge, j'ai 14ans et j'ai du voir le film dans le cadre de mon cours de biologie. J'ai tout simplement adoré ce film, c'est exellant !! j'ai toujours été contre les fast food, meme si je reconnais que la nouriture est dans l'esemble assez bonne. Je vous félicite pour ce film, mais, vous auriez du faire attention a votre santé Mr Spurlock! Néanmoins, il est vrai que si vous l'aviez fait, le film aurait été bien moins bien !! BRAVO !!

Fallen Angel

Fallen Angel




Right on, I think it's great that an indie film can have that big of an infulence on big corporation Cheers

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