The Bourne Ultimatum (2007)![]() "Bourne snuck in my room while I was in bed, had intercourse with me, took a shower, balanced my checkbook and unloaded my dishwasher - all while I pretended to be asleep."
He doesn't talk, eat or sleep and goes around the world on a fake passport and ten bucks! He beats a guy to death. It's non-stop excitement. Jason Bourne is Matt Damon's Golden Ticket. It is the only role that has showcased his masculinity and intelligence. We like Bourne because he improvises a reflexive instinct of survival in clever ways. We also learn some tradecraft. We do not learn how Bourne travels around international cities with no luggage, credit cards, or cash. He never has to wait 6 hours between flights. Bourne is still being hunted mercilessly by black program leaders within the CIA and NSA. As we know, he was part of a secret assassin program. His handlers are fed up and want him dead and buried. Since he has nothing to lose, Bourne is reckless prey and holds the title of "The fastest car thief in the world." According to "Ultimatum" the CIA has access to everything everywhere. "Assets," once known as "assassins," are all over the world waiting in hotel rooms for text messages assigning targets. The CIA director, Ezra Kramer (Scott Glenn), and the head of a CIA black-ops program, Noah Vosen (David Strathairn), are still obsessed with Bourne, especially since a London journalist, Sam Ross (Paddy Considine), has picked up Bourne's scent and has been told some highly sensitive information regarding Treadstone, the program that trained Bourne. The CIA can easily get to Ross. They want his source. Bourne meets with Ross and unintentionally gets him targeted by an "asset" as well. Another big chase scene (the film opened with one in progress) through London ensues. Vosen is the architect of Blackbriar, the nasty lawless black-ops program that is Treadstone successor. As Vosen commandeers a war-room tracking every cell phone call and street surveillance camera in the world, formerly obsessed Bourne-huntress Pamela Landy (Joan Allen) goes soft – I mean she "becomes disillusioned" - with her superior's tactics. Vosen gives orders to kill on sight – to even passer-bys. Trained "Assets," like Bourne once was, do not talk or feel pain (Damon gets beat up a lot, but he never had to memorize 2 lines of dialogue in a row). Another Treadstone assassin, Paz (Edgar Ramirez), the last one from the old program still employed, is sent to kill Bourne. Bourne knows by heart all flight schedules (he flies to Paris, Turin, London, Madrid, and New York) and also when the Tarifa-Tanger Ferry leaves port. He uses Obi-Wan's "These aren't the droids you're looking for" to pass through Morocco's Mohammed V International Airport. Dumb-struck CIA operative Nicky Parsons (Julia Stiles) suddenly turns up and decides to help Bourne. She and Pamela have found religion. Now they have morals and want to do the right thing. By helping Bourne, she agrees to a life on the run. Let's hope so. Not only is Ultimatum sensational action, we do learn the back story that Bourne has been desperate to uncover. He should have stayed amnesiac. He wasn't an innocent victim of The Evil Secret Empire Running the World that he thought he was. He meets his Dr. Tyrell. Paul Greengrass directs with a lightning pace that never lets up. Bourne keeps running through mobs, cities, and rooftops. Bourne, not even wearing helmets or seat belts, miraculously survives multiple car crashes. While Ultimatum may challenge the reality of real life car crashes, it certainly delivers high octane action. This is supposed to be the end of the Bourne trilogy. I wouldn't bet the family farm on it. (We at are excited to welcome the prolific and multi-talented writer Victoria Alexander to our staff. Critic for and pundit and humorist responsible for the candid and fearlessly funny "The Devil's Hammer," her column appears every Monday on Start off your week with a good hard laugh. It's a thrill to have her on board. Victoria Alexander answers every email and can be contacted directly at .)
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