The Men Who Stare At Goats is one offbeat comedy. It features Ewan McGregor as a reporter who travels to Iraq after he learns of a strange story involving soldiers with apparent psychic powers who are ultimately recruited in an attempt to bring an end to the war through Jedi like mind control. Ewan McGregor's Bob Wilton is lead to soldier Lyn Cassady (played George Clooney), a somewhat zany individual who proclaims to be part of the previously mentioned operation. Together, this unlikely pair take a road trip across the Middle East and come in contact with a wide range of colorful characters including Kevin Spacey's Larry Hooper and Jeff Bridges' Bill Django.
The Men Who Stare At Goats has the virtue of being the first major motion picture to take a light approach towards the conflict in the Middle East and that, in of itself, is quite refreshing. The movie has a carefree vibe and brought to mind Steven Soderberg's Ocean's 11 series. It's a bunch of big name stars having a good time, and while some of the movie plays like a big elaborate inside joke, I felt like I was in on it. I was smiling more often than not.
Spacey is a riot as an insecure soldier, and Jeff Bridges is laugh out loud hilarious in a role that recalls his memorable turn in The Big Lebowski. George Clooney is immensely entertaining here and McGregor is terrific as the straight man. On a final note, it was particularly fun listening to McGregor make off color Jedi remarks particularly given his affiliation with the Star Wars universe. A fun movie with a surprisingly breezy tone.
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