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The Notebook (2004)

The Notebook
"What you do with your ice cream is your business, buddy - and 'no' I would not like a little taste!" . . ."


Ryan Gosling
Rachel McAdams
Joan Allen
James Garner
Gena Rowlands

Released By:

Newline Cinema

Released In:




Reviewed By:

Adam Mast



I've never been much of a fan of Nick Cassavetes. She's So Lovely was a good movie but I wouldn't say I loved it. John Q was a movie I loathed with it's unfair and all-too-bitter look at health care. Ultimately, it was a film about terrorism and featured far too many irrelevant characters. It didn't seem to stick to it's main issue.

Suffice it to say, I didn't know what to think going into The Notebook. I knew nothing about the plot of the film. I was aware that it starred Ryan Gosling, James Garner, and Joan Allen but that was about it. After doing a little research, I discovered that names like Steven Spielberg, Jim Sheridan and Tom Cruise were once attached to it.

As The Notebook opens, James Garner appears as a sweet old gentleman who, through the aid of a notebook, hopes to help a woman (played by Gena Rowlands) suffering from Allzheimer's disease, remember who she is.

Through a flashback, we are taken back to North Carolina, JUne 6, 1940 and introduced to Noah Calhoun (played by Ryan Gosling), a soft spoken, adventurous young man who meets his female counterpart in the form of Allie Nelson (played by Rachel McAdams). The two have much in common and quickly fall for one another, but their union doesn't go over well with Allie's overbearing mother, who has bigger dreams for her vibrant and promising daughter.

The Notebook is one of those films in which the material could have gone either way. The screenplay could have been incredibly sappy and overly melodramatic had it fallen into the wrong actors' hands, but happily, the cast transcend the material and make it much deeper than it actually is.

Ryan Gosling is a star on the rise. He was outstanding in The Believer and equally effective in the upcoming United States of Leland. With The Notebook, the dynamic actor (who reminds me of a young Sean Penn) plays the romantic lead and he does so with understated power. Of course it takes two to tango and Rachel McAdams proves to be the perfect leading lady. This lovely young actress has appeared in The Hot Chick and the soon to be released Mean Girls, but after this, I'm sure more dramatic work will come her way. Through a gorgeous smile and a lively, energetic performance, McAdams brings this passionate young woman to life. She and Gosling have perfect chemistry and they bring weight and dimension to The Notebook.

Joan Allen is outstanding as Allie's meddeling and somewhat callous mother. Ultimately, however, there is a reason for her actions, and while this isn't altogether a fair excuse, Allen brings humanity to this part, so that it's really hard to dislike her.

James Garner is spectacular in an all too small role. As a man caring for a less fortunate woman, the veteran actor packs an emotional punch. This is his best work in years. When he broke down on screen, I nearly broke down with him.

The Notebook is very observant in it's look at youth, passion and love. The Garner/Rowlands relationship has shades of the recent 50 First Dates, only it isn't bogged down by horrid, infintile humor (thank God!). It opts to take a more serious route.

Midway through the picture, The Notebook plot thickens by introducing a love triangle, and it's simiar to the one in Michael Bay's ridiculously overbloated Pearl Harbor. Thankfully, the relationships on display here are far more realistic. What I liked most about this triangle is that I actually believed Allie could be in love with both of these men. While Noah is certainly a more developed character than the new man (X-Men's James Marsden) in Allie's life, I still bought into it, because of the intervening circumstances.

The Notebook won't be for everyone. Some will find it a little too sticky sweet, but for me, the strong acting took this movie to a higher level. It's certainly the best thing Nick Cassavettes has done.

:: zBoneman.com Reader Comments ::



The book is fantastic! I loved it!

I'll be seeing you

I'll be seeing you

As the lights faded on at the end of the sneak preview of the movie in Toronto, Canada last night, I had two things on my mind: How was I going to cover up my blood-shot eyes and how superb the acting was in this moive.

I realized soon though, that no one in the theatre had dry eyes, and that relieved me of my first concern.

But I was still shocked at the acting abilities of Ryan Gosling and Rachel McAdams.

I've grown up watching Ryan Gosling on Canadian television, playing the funny trouble-maker, loved by all. I have only seen Rachel McAdams in Mean Girls, and I didn't believe she had any acting talent. Boy was I wrong. Seeing the two Ontario-natives play such dramatic roles so well was very surprising. They played Noah and Allie almost perfectly. I think they had great chemistry and it shows brilliantly on the screen.

Having read the novel before going to see the movie, I already knew all the twists and turns and I loved listening to the audience discover them as well. The director made such a great attempt to keep certain things a myserty until the end, and he did it in a spectacular way. James Garner and Gena Rowlands' love was so deep, and you could tell from the beginning that this was not going to be one of those sappy love stories.

I am giving this movie a grade A- because I think it really does deserve it. The actors were great, and the director, Nick Cassavettes did a fantastic job.



I have already fallen in love with this movie. It seems like a movie I would really enjoy to watch with my boyfriend but also one he would not like (my kind of movie). I am so anxious to see it and hope it turns out to be as good as I imagine.



I saw a sneak preview of The Notebook this weekend. It was a great movie. I loved it all. I give it a 9. If u saw a Message in a Bottle or a Walk to Remember or read the books by Nicholas Sparks and liked them u will also love this movie



SOOO GOOD! DEFINITELY worth seeing!! If you cry easy, bring lots of tissues. One of the best movies I've seen in I don't know how long.

Marte Brighton

Marte Brighton

I just saw Gosling in The Believer and I was completely blown away. This is nearly as good as Edward Norton's performance in American History X and the strange love relationship in that film with Summer Phoenix has made me intrigued as hell to see how Gosling will fare in a romantic lead such as this. I can't wait for this film, this review has been a horrible tease.



The movie comes out here this weekend, but I couldnt wait so I had to read the book. This is the best love story that I have ever read. Love that strong has never been described better through this book. Nicholas Sparks is a true genius. I will definitely be first in line to watch it this weekend.



I thought this movie was amazing. I fell in love with it the moment the first scene began. It is touching, inspiring, and truly the most beautiful love story of them all. Noone could have done a better part of protraying these characters. Somehow this movie moved me in a way no other can.

Well done and I look forward to buying the dvd and watching it at home.



I wanna start by saying that I hardly EVER cry during ANY movies..I mean...even at the end of titanic I didnt actually BAWL my eyes out although my eyes were a little wet. This is the first movie EVER to make me completley BAWL my eyes out. It is an amazingly written story and the actors and actresses are amazing. Ryan Gosling and Rachel McAdams were fantastic..they seemed so in love you could feel the chemistry between them. The older couple were also very well done. This was one of the most romantic movies I have ever seen and it is officially now my favorite movie. The ending is wonderful..but it will leave you crying like a baby so dont forget to bring your tissues! This movie is so perfectly acted and it is so romantic and so sweet that even a guy's kind of guy would find his eyes a little wet...make that a lot. I know that when I went not one person in the audience had dry eyes when the lights came on at the end of the show..and throughout the theature you could hear buzzes of people saying how great the movie was. It was amazingly done..and it is NOTT one of the "typical sappy chick-flick love stories" that you would expect. I think everyone would love it and I personally am looking forward to it coming out on video so i can have it to keep!



This was an incredible movie. Contrary to the review you gave, Gina Rowland did not have Alzheimer's but rather Dementia, which is much worse.



Truthfully, when I read a year ago that Ryan Gosling was going to be the lead in this movie that hooked me right away! I didn't even know the plot at all. Then I read the novel The Notebook and right away I fell in love with the plot and the characters. So not only did I want to see the movie b.c Ryan was in it, but I also loved the story line. Why is this my favorite movie, and why do I recomend everyone go see it? Simply because it has what all amazing movies have..A Powerful plot, Believable characters and Amazing actors and actresses. By far my favorite Romantic Comedy Ever. That's right.. its a comedy too. It was hilariously funny, I found myself bursting out laughing in some scenes and then bawling in others. This movie is far from cheesy, it shows the raw, true love that real people can have. It definitely does the novel justice. The casting was phenomenal and the movie wouldn't be the same without Ryan Gosling and Rachel McAdams playing the lead roles. And..there's nothing more I can say except please go see the movie, you won't regret it!



The Notebook was a wonderful movie. I watched it the first day it came out. Ryan Gosling and Rachel Mcadams are the perfect characters for this film. I'm really glad I went to this film, I wish they would make a sequel somehow.




Hi there. I've done a little research on the film and from what I gather, Allie is suffering from Allzheimer's Disease, and in fact, Dementia is a symptom. I haven't read the book, but all other sources I've come across suggest the same. My grandfather passed away from this awful disease, and his symptoms were very similar. At any rate, I was quite impressed by this film. It's cleary the best movie I've seen based on a Nicholas Sparks book. Outstanding performances. Thanks for hitting our site.

Bryan Rice

Bryan Rice

I've read all of the gooey tear-soaked praise for this film, however, those who have seen other films adapted from Sparks novels will know what to expect from this one. And this kind of predictable, contrived melodrama is welcome fare for some — it's like watching Oprah, it's like "comfort food."

      For the rest of us, its quaint style of storytelling will probably be too maudlin and sappy, if not a bit manipulative. Also, there's no question that Cassevettes squanders the talents of a very good cast - including his mother. Thumbs down.

Jane Marshall

Jane Marshall

Bryan Rice, why can't you just forget about your intellectual excuses for objecting to a tear-jerker. And just let yourself cry - sounds like you're a bit constipated

Katrina Piner

Katrina Piner

The concept behind the Notebook is lovley and could have been quite charming. The dilaogue was horrific, however the acting was surprisingly exceptional, and if you see this film for one reason only that would be it. The problem with the film is it tried too hard to convey emotion and lacked sublty,not having enough faith in the audience to put two and two together. It tries to mix in elements of films like Iris and A Walk to Remember which could have really worked, but it lacked uniquness and it was altogeter a little too familiar. So, overall a good movie that needed a little more editing to create more flow and to shorten it, but the idea and the acting make this movie worth seeing.



I believe that this is the most unbelievable movie I have ever seen. I mean how many times can you say "I laughed, I cryed..." I think that it was an amazing movie and I intend to see it several more times. I basically cried throughout the whole movie. Except for the occasional laugh here and there. Which kind of broke it up so you wouldn't leave the movie feeling depressed. I thought that everything was done beautifully. I really liked the shot where they were out in the boat and there were geese just all around them in the water and it was just so perfect that it even made me cry. And oh my god could Ryan Gosling have been more perfect for the role of Noah Calhoun. I mean god I would have married him in a heartbeat.He was just a kind southern boy who fell in love with this girl the first time he laid eyes on her. I mean come on what could be more romantic than that. He was just so genuine that it made you go "can I have one". And then James Garner playing an older version of Noah was brilliant.He was still madly in love with her and she couldn't remember who he was. Didn't even recognize him or their children. I felt so horrible for both Allie and Noah. But at least it did have a happy ending.

Movie lover

Movie lover

This movie is a must-see. The acting is Oscar worthy, and the story is moving. I recommend this movie to anyone who has the chance to see it.



I stumbled into The Notebook after walking out on Hanks-Spielberg's The Terminal (I was driven out of the theater by the stupid dialogue during which "security" took forever to figure out that Hanks couldn't speak English). The Notebook, on the other hand, delivered a wonderful movie experience. It was well-directed, filmed and acted. Each chracter contributed to the mood of the plot in such a way that I was keenly interested in each of them and their relationships with one another. While flashbacks can often be torturous, their use in The Notebook was effective, delivering meaningful insight into the power and pain of love, then and now. There was nothing boring or trite about this movie; it was visually beautiful and emotionally heart-warming. While some will consider it "gushy", it was the perfect way to spend a rainy Sunday afternoon.

Milton Thrasher

Milton Thrasher

This movie touched a chord with all those who had a summer love that was hard to forget. Often, people have an opportunity to regroup with that summer love as the young couple did in Notebook. This is one for the older folks that can easily relate to all the nuances it showed with dignity and grace.

The actors were especially good, playing to the top of their game. Rachel McAdams was wonderful as the lead. Even though some rated it B+ or as the local Sarasota, FL movie reviewer called it a C-, it was about as good

as any we have seen thus far this year for me.

Jason Turner

Jason Turner

There are two overlapping love stories -- an old man and woman, played beautifully by James Garner and Gena Rowlands, who are reading a story in a notebook about another young man and woman, played by Ryan Gosling and Rachel McAdams. Both couples' character dynamics are established right away and, once lit, they fire-and-burn in an unswerving straight line toward the finish. True love is forever, we're told, and The Notebook keeps humming that mantra with nary a surprise in sight. This is not a film for cynics or suspicious types who expect plot twists to pop out at them.

Now, before you think I'm dismissing this genre in general, and this film in particular, let me say I enjoyed The Notebook for what it was. It's a classic chick-flic, a simple, touching tale with great performances by its leads. Unlike other chick flics, however, this one has too much heart to fall into the male caricature cliche. Thankfully, the guys aren't shown to be either brutes or idiots. The worst that can be said is that the men stay the course from beginning to end without moving an inch, like emotional pylons stuck in place to be maneuvered around by Allie's character.

Mary Beth Church

Mary Beth Church

I went to this film by myself because no one thought it would be any good.. BOY WERE THEY WRONG... Yes! it was a tear jerker...but it was the best one I have seen in a long time... This film is for young and old..I could not believe it got such a bad rating and then I remembered - those are the best films to see)... I will be buying this when it comes out on DVD... It is a keeper... I grew up watching James Garner and this was one of his best... He is such a great story teller. And Ryan Gosling I think will be the next Colin Farrell. I hope people can look past the critics and go see this film.



i live in south africa and the movie has not come out but i saw the preview and quickly went to read the book it is amazing its the kind of love everyone wants but a few ever get, i will see it and i will cry.






i loved this movie :) and i think other people would feel the same way

Alex Medina

Alex Medina

I love The Notebook - one of the sweetest and romantic movies I've seen in my young life - Ryan Gosling is the new god

Chelsea Huntington

Chelsea Huntington

This movie has been one of the best romance stories I've ever watched in the past three years. The characters allie (Rachel McAdams) noah (Ryan Gosling) were a perfect match.



I thought that The Note-Book was a wonderful movie. It really captures your heart and you feel like it really is happening right in front of you almost like you're there. Rachel McAdams and Ryan Gosling are two great actors. I loved the movie.



Excellent movie reveiw, however, the date of 1946 is incorrect, Allie and Noah first meet on June 6, 1940.



Duly noted miss Katie, You are correct I went to a site that offered a bunch of trivia about the film and the date you gave is precise. Check out this coincidence. In addition to writing reviews and humor pieces I also write screenplays I wrote one called Fanclub that I would very much love to have Ryan Gosling star in and play the lead character. It is an awesome story and actually Rachel McAdams would be perfect for the love interest. I've been doing a bit of research on Gosling in preparation for approaching his agency and came across some amazing coincidences. The character in the film is a guitar player who becomes an international star but because of an unfortunate trampling death of a girl who is a sister to a huge fan of his band and a photographer for their fanclub, this photographer goes insane with remorse because he pretty much forced her to go to the concert against her will. After his sister is killed and because of some very satanic imagery that is added to one of their videos without the bands knowlege or consent - the bereaved brother believes that Gosling's character is that anti-Christ and kidnaps him with the intention of crucifying him. In any case I found out in my research that Ryan is not only an accomplished guitarist but also grew up a Mormon. The character in the movie is a Mormon, though it isn't something that's a part of the plot (he grew up in Utah and Mormonism is only mentioned once in the script) Still I thought that it was an amazing coincidence. I am also a member of the Mormon church, but I'm not too good at it. I also found out that Gosling has a St. Bernard named George - I live in a town named St. George? Anyway, you must be a big fan of Gosling, just like me. I think he's the best actor of his generation, he reminds me of both a young Sean Penn as well as James Dean. Contact me on this board if you by some chance know of a way to get something to Ryan. You would be rewarded generously if you could make that happen. Nice of you to correct our mistake Katie - I wish you well

The Boneman

PS. The date you brought to my attention June 6th is also the birthdate of the character in my movie. A fact that contributes to the kidnappers delusions that Gosling's character is the anti-christ - the coincidences just keep piling up All I hope it means is that I'll somehow be able to get this script into Ryan's hands. Knock wood. I hope your last name isn't Wood. I went to high School with a girl named Katie Wood.



BEST MOVIE EVER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!



I loved the movie not only because Ryan Gosling -Major Hottie ! was in it but because id coincidently stumbled upon it on the internet i watched the trailer and was determined to see it ! Im only thirteen years old but i just couldnt hold back the tears at the end watch this movie Its Cool :)



I thing ryan gosling is sooo hooooot when i was watching the movie i was like out loud (is it me or is it getting hot in here) lool everyone laughed but i love the two characters they were perfect even when they won the best kiss award lol they both run into each others arms it was funny

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