After several years on Saturday Night Live and a few marginally successful films under his belt, Adam Sandler finally hit it big with The Wedding Singer. It looks as if that film was a major stepping stone for him because The Waterboy is turning out to be a huge hit.
In truth, this movie has many funny moments, but as a whole, it's nowhere near as funny as Billy Madison or Happy Gilmore and not half as touching as The Wedding Singer. Sandler plays a waterboy turned football player who learns to vent his frustrations through the game. Before he knows it, this Forrest Gump type simpleton finds himself a local hero.
The Waterboy doesn't really have much of a plot. It's just ninety minutes of Sandler acting like a dork, but then I guess that's what his audience expects of him. However, the movie does boast some great supporting players, such as Henry Winkler, Kathy Bates, Rob Schneider and Blake Clark as the assistant coach. Sandler is funny but his cajun personae becomes tiresome after time. Let's hope his next project is a step forward because this one barely treads water.
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