Hopelessness and lovelorn despair have been such a staple of Lucinda Williams' work for almost 30 years that it's quite a pleasant surprise to hear her so in love on Little Honey - her best and most consistent album in a decade. Last year's morose release West was a complete downer with the subject matter being about the death of Williams' mother and the breakup of her previous sig-other, but an engagement to a new man is just the breath of fresh air that Williams' songwriting needed.
Right off the bat, Little Honey starts out warm and ruckus with the rockin' "Real Love" and the bluesy "Tears of Joy" is one of the most beautiful and heartfelt songs Williams has ever conjured. And there's no doubt how in love she is after hearing the blazing buzz of "Honey Bee," by far the biggest and loudest Rock song this Alt-Country veteran has ever crafted. She even has her sense of humor back on display on the excellent "Jailhouse Tears" which is a rousing duet with Elvis Costello, the king of sardonic wit. Easy on the ears and repeatedly a pleasure to listen to, Little Honey will go down as one of Lucinda Williams' best albums for years to come.
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