Why is it that phenomenal European acts such as James, Supergrass, and Suede have trouble nailing down American label deals? I can't answer that but you can add Richard Ashcroft, former singer of the superb but now defunct band The Verve to that list. With no label deal in sight in the near future, this release is import only for a while, which is in fact a damn shame. Ashcroft assembles string arrangements, horns, and harmonies, better than anyone in America except for maybe Brian Wilson (whom ironically guests on the final track "Nature is the Law" ) yet he remains virtually ignored over here. The opening track, "Check the Meaning" is an eight minute soaring piece of sonic beauty. The man can still stack reverb guitar noise with the best of them and "Bright Lights," and "God in the Numbers" is a David Gilmour era Pink Floyd lover's wet dream. If you're ever near an import rack, or find this album on the internet, snatch it up quick, and enjoy what the rest of the world enjoys outside of the musically narrow-minded America.
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